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How many IT assets does your organisation currently manage?

Streamlining IT Asset Management with Device as a Service (DaaS)

Managing a diverse range of IT assets, including computers, laptops, tablets, and other devices, can become a complex and time-consuming task for organizations of all sizes, further compounded when multiple locations are involved. Without a robust system in place, companies may face various challenges that hinder their productivity, increase operational costs, and compromise data security. Device as a Service (DaaS) offers an innovative solution to address these challenges, allowing businesses to focus on core operations while streamlining IT asset management effectively.

For many organizations, the management of a large number of IT assets presents several challenges that at a high level translate into both increased costs and risk.  Loosely outlined this might originate from these core areas:

  1. Procurement – Sourcing and negotiating suppliers to provide the range of IT assets required by the different business units requires both a technical skillset and capacity to ensure the right match often resulting in multiple suppliers in multiple locations.
  2. Contracting – Negotiating licences in the locations that are often in multiple currencies, with different terms.     
  3. Asset Management – Tracking and monitoring individual devices across different operating departments within your business across multiple locations is a time drain and often prone to errors.            
  4. Compatibility – The diversity of devices and configurations often leads to compatibility issues and increases the time and effort spent on troubleshooting, made more complex with multiple locations. 
  5. Budget Impact – Unplanned replacement of IT assets can be costly and may result in budgetary constraints. 
  6. Logistics – Ensuring that the device is in the right place at the right time with the right user despite their location.
  7. Skillset Access – Ensuring all devices are up to date with the latest software patches and security measures can be a daunting task and presents risk. 
  8. Talent Investment – Maintaining an IT team that has both the capacity and a high-level broad-based skillset to support multiple locations in different time zones.

When unable to address the above pain points, various consequences become a reality.  The inefficiencies around ineffective IT asset management show up as increased downtime due to hardware failures or software glitches (*) resulting in decreased productivity and revenue loss impacting business performance. Moreover, the lack of a standardized approach to IT asset management can compromise data security, potentially exposing sensitive information to cyber threats and regulatory non-compliance, made even more complex when your business has multiple locations with local constraints.  Additionally, the manual nature of asset management consumes valuable IT resources, preventing them from focusing on strategic initiatives and innovation which is further impacted when your assets are spread through multiple locations both in country and globally.

Device as a Service (DaaS) offers a comprehensive solution to alleviate these pain points and mitigate your consequences. Viadex has established our DaaS solution to support our clients enabling them to centralize IT asset procurement and negotiation, centralize and consolidate licencing, centralize asset management, streamline tracking, real time monitoring and maintenance across the entire register of devices, whilst also ensuring that end of device life cycle is both sustainable and efficient being managed and tracked to the end of the assets’ life.  DaaS also ensures standardization of devices and configurations, reducing compatibility issues and simplifying support processes.

Understanding the business landscape and differentials that our clients operate in, our DaaS solution is available in flexible subscription-based models, allowing businesses to manage their IT assets with predictable costs and avoid significant upfront investments. We work with each client and design an optimal solution that is tailored to your needs, both from a device perspective as well as how we roll out the service.  With regular hardware refresh cycles, DaaS keeps organizations equipped with up-to-date and reliable devices, minimizing the risk of downtime, and maximizing productivity.  

Furthermore, Viadex can extend your DaaS hardware solution to include the full management of software updates and security measures, tailored around your configuration requirements, ensuring that all devices are consistently protected against the latest threats. This proactive approach to data security helps companies maintain compliance with industry regulations and safeguard sensitive information effectively thereby diminishing business risk.

In conclusion, the implementation of our Device as a Service (DaaS) solution offers our clients a transformative solution in response to your pain points associated with managing multiple IT assets. By streamlining IT asset management, DaaS empowers businesses to enhance productivity, reduce operational costs, and ensure robust data security. With DaaS in place, companies can concentrate on their core objectives and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.